Can’t wait for SPOTs? Buy them @ Systronix

As you all probably know, Sun SPOTs are available for purchases only in the US (look at Systronix, well known in the embedded Java world for its TStik, JStamp, JStik and other cool TINI stuff, gives the opportunity for european customers to buy the Sun SPOT development kit. Take a look at:

They also produce and distribute the TrackBot


a vehicle that can be controlled using a SPOT. Extremely cool!

2 pensieri su “Can’t wait for SPOTs? Buy them @ Systronix

  1. gerdavax Autore articolo

    Certo che si! Costruiremo un piccolo cingolato in grado di girare un ambiente domestico, trovare tutti i CD di L.R. e gettarli nel tritatutto ๐Ÿ˜€ Secondo me ci sono buone opportunita’ per un business… ๐Ÿ˜€ (vai con gli insulti!)

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